
Fetch Post Telegram Bot

A telegram bot that fetches video/image/gif from the link you send.

Supported websites.

  1. Reddit.
  2. Instagram.
  3. Many coming soon.

Telegram Bot Link : FetchPostBot (You can use this bot only if you are whitelisted by me)


You need to have ffmpeg installed. Download it from here


  1. Clone the repository and cd fetch-post-telegram-bot
  2. Run cp src/example.config.js src/config.
  3. Create and grab bot token from @botfather and add it to src/config.ts
  4. If you are hosting telegram-bot-api, add the API url to config.js otherwise keep BOT_API_URL as it is1.
  5. npm install
  6. npm build && npm start

1If you don’t host telegram-bot-api, bot can’t send files larger than 50MB


Master user can manage whitelist with these commands.

To whitelist a user

/add <user_id> <name_or_username>

To get list of whitelisted users


To remove a whitelisted user click /rm_<user-id> from the list
